Thursday, November 8, 2012

7 -- Food Month -- Day 2

The remainder of last night's supper became breakfast.  Unseasoned, over grilled, previously frozen burger patty between 2 pieces of toasted wheat bread with steamed spinach to add a little flavor.  And don't forget, butter isn't on the list so that toast was DRY!  Normally I might have turned my nose to this monstrosity.  This morning, something in me found the change of pace refreshing.  Another piece of me was thankful to have food to eat.  Maybe those 2 separate parts of me fueled each other.  Maybe it's the burger briquette.  I don't know.

The meal that was supposed to be yesterday's lunch was just as good today.  Rather than eating alone in my office as I normally would, a friend and I ate together in the office conference room.  I had never really noticed the types of foods I normally eat from this perspective.  While my friend ate his prepackaged Zataran's alfredo fettuccine thing, I silently compared my foods of fast to that...that creamy mess.  Again, I found myself thankful to have what I had.

3 meals straight.  I am a rock star!!  After work, Erin drove me to the auto shop to pick up my car.  Had to replace the wheel bearings again.  On the way, she proclaims "I need a chocolate martini."  ...damn.  She's got that look in her eye too.  No matter what I say, or how sweetly I say it, we're going out for a martini.  I'll spare you the details of the discussion.  Point is, 30 minutes later, we're sitting at the bar of West End Grill watching the Presidential Election play out.  No, I didn't "resist the devil".  Don't get me wrong, I tried.  It wasn't long after my arrival that I had whiskey in my hand and a bacon cheeseburger on the way.  Needless to say, it was shamefully delicious.

Oh, well.  Try again tomorrow.

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